Friday 4 December 2009


My other pet is a mouse.
Its name is "Gustavo" and has nearly two years old. I bough it for my birthday and first It was very little and cute. Now is cute too, but is very big comparing with the first day.
It's white with red eyes and has a long tail.
My mother don't like it, but my father and I love it and always we give its a lot of food like cheese, almonds.. ant it loves it! Maybe that's the reason of its fat... :P
Gustavo or "Gus" is very friendly when is in its cage, but when it's out gets very frigthened and always run to a dark and little place and sometimes go out to inspect and that's very funny because when you move it stop and start to run another time to the improvised refuge.
Gus have an special ball to run, but I think that it don't like it because its weight is very little and the ball is very big and sometimes it can't control the movments of that.

Some people ask me about I know that the snakes, one of my favourite animals, eats mices.
I think that every animals eat different things and it help the ecosystem.
When we have a wild animal in our home we have the obligation of reproduce its natural habitat and all the things about.
I think that it's not a problem have a mouse for pet and give to your snake another mices. The relationship with your mouse its special and different to another ones.
We eat cows and I love cows, but I eat it. It's the same.

That's Gustavo eating one "palito" inside my sleeve... =)

Thursday 3 December 2009


In this post I want to talk about my dog, Dascha.
It hasn't got breed and maybe isn't the most beauty one of the world, but is a very friendly, funny, active and, I think, strange dog.
My parents gave It to me in 2003 for my birthday. Well, my birthday is in first of February, but they gave It to me one week after, because It born in the first of Jenuary and for my birthday It wasn't walking yet!
It has a brown fur with a more dark line in the upside.
It hasn't got tail since was born.
It has a stiff ears, very funnies.
Its eyes are very prominent and of brown colour.
Normally It sleeps with me in my bed and when is sleeping try to move the legs can be a very difficult operation.... ;)
Sometimes We go to walk together and It stops to smell all the places. It's very obedient and I can go with It without leash.
When I'm bored I teach some tricks to It and knows how to streach, sit, give the paw, "be death", dance and "have a kiss".
It's very intelligent and learns the orders very quickly!

Monday 30 November 2009


The photo is from the edge of one iceberg floating just off the coast of Antarctica.
We can see a part of ice from the iceberg in the upside of the picture and the see water down.
With the ice and the light, the photo have a beauty blue colour.
The photo is very paceful and relaxing.
The two parts of it are in perfect armony and the ice and the water take up the perfect might of the photo.
All picture take geometric forms.
In another line, the blue represents the calm and the relax.
This three things made it very relaxing and peacful.

Well, we can find another meaning.
Now, the world is very worried about the climatic change and the global warming and we can find these ideas in the photo.
The ice and the water, made of the same.
And the melt of the ice, converting another time in water.

The picture is awesome.

Tuesday 24 November 2009



- I have met my boyfriend.

- I have been to London.

- I have been to Expoterraria.

- When my parents have given to me my reflex camera.


- I have seen the death of my dog.


This my horror story, with Estefania, Rebeca and Laura.

Tuesday 10 November 2009


"Tontet" is a dog that me and a friend met in the St. Pere street.
When I saw it, first i want a man walking with his dog, but i didn't see nobody.
We went with the dog and, for my suprise, it didn't run away. It's very strange in an abandoned dog. Normally they run away quikly.
The first opinion that I had from the dog is that it was very thin and smells so bad [really... SO bad]
We didn't know what to do, and at this moment appeared a woman. We told her the history and she go to want some dog food and wather. What the dog ate very quickly.
It sometimes tryed to escape, but it was so weak and when we catch its, it doesn't do nothing to prevent. It's the reason of the name! ;)
And at this moment, my mother call me that she is waiting with the car.
I go running and tell she what's happening.
She don't knew what to do, and finally we decided to went to Castelló to caught our 4x4 and take the dog to my house.

The next morning it was very active, happy and friendly, and he fatten. Really he looks very beauty, but quickly we see that he has a problem in the elwobs, and walk strange.
At the afternoon we take it to the animal protection society and we saw that he has got a chip.
We left it at the enclosure waiting for the owner.
A happy end for Tontet!

Monday 9 November 2009


To start "my world" posts I select an special anual event for me, the Expoterria.
Expoterraria is an exposition of bought-sale of reptiles, amphibians and arthropods.
It was celebrated behind 3 and 4 of October in Barcelona.
I love reptiles and for me is a special and lovely place to go. Untile I know it, two years ago, never forget one Expoterraria.
In this one, I meet some people that I know in a forum of these animals and I can speak with someone that have the same hobby.
I can see a lot of snakes that I know ang what I love and I can have a lot of photos of these strange animals. I put two or three later.
My cam was all the time open and I have more than 400 photos, and later, in my house, I choosed the good ones.
I think that the reptile world is underestimate. These animals are a good "pet" and are very interesting.
I put pet in marks because I don't like this adjective to refer about snakes and other reptiles. These animals are wild, for ever and ever, but It doesn't involve that you can't have it in your house.

And now, some photos of animals, they look so bad, but it's because I caught them of the internet. M.. the first snake is my favourite, maybe you can remember a similar of my first post, they are of the same family.

And well... It's funny.
The title is: I want to go out!


1. When was the wall built?
The wall was built in 1961, on the night between 12 and 13 of August.

2. Why was the wall built?
The wall was built wanting to separate the West Germany ("Federal Republic of Germany") of the East Germany ("German Democratic Republic"), the two parts what was divided Germany until the final of the Second World War.

3. How long was the wall?
The wall was builted along 45km inside Berlin, dividing it in two parts, and another 115km what separated the west side of the city of the territory of the GDR.

4. What do we celebrate on the 9th November 2009?
The fall of the Berlin wall.

5. What is the present situation of this wall?
Now, only a little part of the wall, divided in a lot of pieces, isn't destroyed. The most parts because it's a cultural symbol and for the tourism.

6. Can you think of another wall that separates people, physically or mentally?
The racism is a mentally wall.
The people who are racist discriminate, sometimes using the violence, the people who have a different skin colour, a different religion or belief or is of another sex.
It involve a social wall because the discriminate people (and racists too, but in another way) have problems with the integration in the society.
Probalby the most reference of the racism, in the actuality, is the Nazism. We always can remember the atrocities what the nazis have in the Second World War. The concentration camps for the Jewish people are the best symbol.
The nazis think that them was higher and thw Jewish had to disappear because it's the only way to have a "clean" Germany.
At right, a poster of the nazi Germany.

Note: All photos are with credits if you click on.

Monday 5 October 2009


Hello Sonia.

My name is Elvira Fina and I live in Castello.
I have some "hobbies": The most important is the photography. I always go with a little camera in my bag and I have a reflex cam in my house.
I practise sailing and I love it too.
My "strange" hobby, I think it for my age, is the coin collection. I start it when I was 11 and now I have more than 100 different coins.
Another things that I love are the snakes and the dogs.

I don't like English a lot but i don't like the same languages in the highschool but I think that it depends a lot of the teacher.
I go to english clases in Castello with a group and usually have grammar with a book but I think that i have an acceptable level of English for my age and i'm not unhappy of my knowledge.
The worst problem that I have with English (Well, in same subjects too), is that I hate to speak or do things in front of another people and I don't like to go to the blackboard, do teather representations etc.
But I love to do powerpoints or similar things in my house if I don't have to go to the front of class to presentating it.

After the 4th ESO I will study the scientific batxillerat and go to Barcelona to stud Genetics or Cheministry to the University.
Well, I want to have a lot of university studies like psicology, criminology... but I think it's not probably.
I think to work in a laboratory or be a teacher.

Well, the presentation is over.


PD: Sorry my mistakes, I know that I do a lot.

Friday 2 October 2009



So you been to school / Has anat a l'escola
For a year or two / Durant un o dos anys
And you know you've seen it all / I saps que ho has vist tot
In daddys car / Dins el cotxe del papa
Thinking you'll go far / Pensant que arribaràs lluny
Back east your type don't crawl / De tornada a l'est, la teva clase no s'arrastra

Play ethnicky jazz / Posa jazz étnic
To parade your snazz / Per presumir del teu estil
On your five grand stereo / En els teus cinc gran estéreos.
Braggin that you know / Presumint que saps
How the niggers feel cold / Com els negres pasen fret
And the slums got so much soul / I els barris pobres tenen tanta ànima

It's time to taste what you most fear / Es hora de probar el que més tems
Right guard will not help you here / La guardia no t'ajudarà aqui
Brace yourself, my dear / Preparat, estimat

It's a holiday in cambodia / Son unes vacances a Camboya
It's tough, kid, but it's life / Es dur, noi, però és la vida
It's a holiday in cambodia / Són unes vacances a Camboya
Don't forget to pack a wife / No t'oblidis d'empaquetar una esposa.

You're a star-belly sneech / Ets un star-belly sneech
You suck like a leach / Fas fástic com una sangonera
You want everyone to act like you / Vols que tots actuin com tu
Kiss ass while you bitch / Petoneja culs de mentres p***
So you can get rich / Per poder ferte ric
But your boss gets richer off you / Però el teu jefe es fa més ric que tu

Well you'll work harder / Així que traballaràs dur
With a gun in your back / Amb una pistola a l'esquena
For a bowl of rice a day / Per un bol d'arròs al dia
Slave for soldiers / Esclau de soldats
Till you starve / Fins que moris de gana
Then your head is skewered on a stake / I el teu cap sigui enfilat en una estaca
Now you can go where people are one / Ara tu pots anar on la gent es única
Now you can go where they get things done / Ara pot anar on pots fer les coses
What you need, my son / Que necesites, fill meu

Is a holiday in cambodia / Son unes vacances a Camboya
Where people dress in black / On la gent va vestida de negre
A holiday in cambodia / Unes vacançes a Camboya
Where you'll kiss ass or crack / A on petonejaras culs o cruixiràs

Pol Pot, Pol Pot, Pol Pot, Pol Pot... / Pol Pot, Pol Pot

And it's a holiday in cambodia / I són unes vacances a Camboya
Where you'll do what youre told / On has de fer el que et diuen
A holiday in cambodia / Unes vacançes a Camboya
Where the slums got so much soul / On els barris pobres tenen tanta ánima

Tuesday 29 September 2009


I love the snakes because they are very stylized, primitive but evolved, they are quiet and never call the attention.
The snakes are a beauty animals, and they are very interesting.
I'm like an snake because i'm shy and for me is difficult to create a relationship of friendship with the people, because I need to know a lot this person.
The snakes are understood, and, sometimes, I'm difficult to understand.
I think that everybody is special, me too, and the snakes are very special.