My name is Elvira Fina and I live in Castello.
I have some "hobbies": The most important is the photography. I always go with a little camera in my bag and I have a reflex cam in my house.
I practise sailing and I love it too.
My "strange" hobby, I think it for my age, is the coin collection. I start it when I was 11 and now I have more than 100 different coins.
Another things that I love are the snakes and the dogs.
I don't like English a lot but i don't like the same languages in the highschool but I think that it depends a lot of the teacher.
I go to english clases in Castello with a group and usually have grammar with a book but I think that i have an acceptable level of English for my age and i'm not unhappy of my knowledge.
The worst problem that I have with English (Well, in same subjects too), is that I hate to speak or do things in front of another people and I don't like to go to the blackboard, do teather representations etc.
But I love to do powerpoints or similar things in my house if I don't have to go to the front of class to presentating it.
After the 4th ESO I will study the scientific batxillerat and go to Barcelona to stud Genetics or Cheministry to the University.
Well, I want to have a lot of university studies like psicology, criminology... but I think it's not probably.
I think to work in a laboratory or be a teacher.
Well, the presentation is over.
PD: Sorry my mistakes, I know that I do a lot.
elvira sexy!