1. When was the wall built?
The wall was built in 1961, on the night between 12 and 13 of August.
The wall was built in 1961, on the night between 12 and 13 of August.
2. Why was the wall built?
The wall was built wanting to separate the West Germany ("Federal Republic of Germany") of the East Germany ("German Democratic Republic"), the two parts what was divided Germany until the final of the Second World War.
3. How long was the wall?
The wall was builted along 45km inside Berlin, dividing it in two parts, and another 115km what separated the west side of the city of the territory of the GDR.

4. What do we celebrate on the 9th November 2009?
The fall of the Berlin wall.
5. What is the present situation of this wall?
Now, only a little part of the wall, divided in a lot of pieces, isn't destroyed. The most parts because it's a cultural symbol and for the tourism.
6. Can you think of another wall that separates people, physically or mentally?
The racism is a mentally wall.

The people who are racist discriminate, sometimes using the violence, the people who have a different skin colour, a different religion or belief or is of another sex.
It involve a social wall because the discriminate people (and racists too, but in another way) have problems with the integration in the society.
Probalby the most reference of the racism, in the actuality, is the Nazism. We always can remember the atrocities what the nazis have in the Second World War. The concentration camps for the Jewish people are the best symbol.
The nazis think that them was higher and thw Jewish had to disappear because it's the only way to have a "clean" Germany.
At right, a poster of the nazi Germany.
Note: All photos are with credits if you click on.
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