The photo is from the edge of one iceberg floating just off the coast of Antarctica.
We can see a part of ice from the iceberg in the upside of the picture and the see water down.
With the ice and the light, the photo have a beauty blue colour.
The photo is very paceful and relaxing.
The two parts of it are in perfect armony and the ice and the water take up the perfect might of the photo.
All picture take geometric forms.
In another line, the blue represents the calm and the relax.
This three things made it very relaxing and peacful.
Well, we can find another meaning.
Now, the world is very worried about the climatic change and the global warming and we can find these ideas in the photo.
The ice and the water, made of the same.
And the melt of the ice, converting another time in water.
The picture is awesome.