In summer the think that i have more is... read. In two months i read all the books that i can't read in the rest of the year. I have read more than one or two books for week. In August my family and i go to Palamos, where we have a little flat. In Palamos i don't have any friends or people with i can go out and... i read... all day. I only stop for go to the sea, to go fishing or walking. Well, i walk a lot too, but there's no interesting... There are a library that i love, call Gavina. Is a big library and have a lot of books. Sometimes i think that they argue with the money that i spend in books... my fathers hate me in summer... i'm very expensive! This year the economy is worse than other years and i have looked for all my house and have taken some interesting books that probably can hold my attention one month or a little less. I start to read the Dan Brown ones, because i haven't read they already. Another writers that i like are, for example, Stephen King, Isaac Asimov and another ones of black novel. I started to read a lot very young, with tewelve years i start to read Stephen King and more young i read books like "Memorias de una Geisha". The summer is near... and i feel it... this weekend i read one book called "El hipnotista" of Lars Kepler... in two days i read a book of 600 pages. Think in all summer...
(Well... if you like the black novel i recommend it to you.. that's good)
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