I don't know if you came to saw us one of the days. I appeared in three songs: "Telephone", "Sun bay" and "Eva Maria". In the first one i only had a little theatre acting at the end with Pablo but i can saw Rebeca and Kimberly dancing. Rebeca dances very well and Kimberly is very expressive, the song was perfect. Sun Bay was very funny to do, and all the song was really good. There acted Victor, Guillem, Amin, Lydia, Clara, Selles and i. The girls danced behind the guys, but we danced... appearing sometimes jumping! The first time it was a surprise and the people laughed a lot. We wore a large skirts of colorus made in... Isabel! And... she puts them in summer... really hippy. Victor is crazy and the song was spectacular i hope that if you see it in the videos you like it. The last one was Eva Maria. In Eva Maria Luciano singed and Sandra, Marta, Clara and I appeared behind doing theater. That was funny and good too! In a part of the song the singer says "I see she's photo" and we lifted a photo of Luciano... the people who can saw it laughed a lot.
That was a good experiencie for me, but very difficult because i hate to do thinks in front of another people. For mi wasn't a problem the day of the Playback, but the tests, specialy the first ones, were horribles! :s